Key Action 2: Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices

Ongoing KA2 Projects

Teachers’ Action for Health


Start Date: 31/12/2022

Duration: 24 months

Funded by the European Union.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


The project aims to:

  • support teachers and educators to increase the knowledge, awareness, and experience of students who may need first aid intervention or emergency response in chronic diseases, by using digital education materials and to ensure the continuity of this knowledge and skills.
  • ensure the sustainability of teacher development with digital educational materials, with a particular focus on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of preschool and primary school teachers on first aid interventions/practices through 13 modules and chronic diseases through 8 modules prepared based on the needs determined by needs analysis.

Target groups:

  • preschool and primary school teachers in partnering countries.
  • teachers and educators who work in preschool and primary school level in other European countries.

Following multilingual results will be developed:

  • Supporting the professional development of early and primary school teachers on digital skills and intervention methods to first aid, and chronic illnesses.
  • Developing school-based first aid modules and intervention in physical injury and some chronic diseases.
  • Increasing institutional capacity and professionalism to work at EU/international level: enhanced management competencies and internationalization strategies. Extending the network of each partner to different new geographies and sectors.

Coordinator Contact:


Çiğli İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
Köyiçi Mahallesi Yeni Hükümet Konağı
8055 Sokak No:1
Çiğli, İzmir/Türkiye/35640

Email: [email protected]

FOOTT PRINTTS: Focus on Teacher Training Practical

Guidelines for In-Service Teacher Trainers

FOOTT PRINTTS is an Erasmus+ co-financed cooperation partnership with seven European educational training institutions and organizations, ensuring a comprehensive approach to in-service teacher training.

The project aims to enhance the quality of in-service teacher training across Europe by identifying best practices, developing a guidance framework, and sharing success conditions. Through comprehensive research and collaboration, the initiative will provide an interactive platform to support and guide teacher trainers, ensuring consistent and high-quality training standards across Europe.

Project Overview:

  • Start Date: 01/09/2023
  • End Date: 31/08/2026
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Total Budget: €400,000

Why is the project being carried out?

To research, develop, and implement strategies and guidelines focused on in-service teacher training, considering various educational principles, research, and classroom references, and ensuring applicability in diverse contexts across participating countries.

Aims and Objectives:

  • Develop research-based guidelines for in-service teacher training.
  • Ensure guidelines are adaptable, relevant, and provide practical advice for designing effective training programs.
  • Engage stakeholders in planning, feedback, and evaluation processes.
  • Promote the results through various channels to encourage dialogue and discussion around key issues related to in-service teacher training.

Key Activities and Milestones:

  1. Theory and Literature Review: Establishment of hypotheses and indicators for quantitative analysis.
  2. Sequential Mixed Methods Data Collection: Quantitative and qualitative data collection in all participating countries.
  3. Framework: Development of a framework for teacher trainers based on the research.
  4. Practical Guidelines: Interactive, adaptable, and ready-to-use input within the framework modules for teacher training.
  5. Peer-Learning and Networking: Conference and other events to peer review, disseminate, and further develop the tool to be sustainable.


Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Dezernat 46.3 – Lehrerfortbildung
Germany, Arnsberg


  • 21Knowledge, Unipessoal Lda
    Portugal, Mangualde
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
    Austria, Wien
  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
    Poland, Rzeszow
  • Educom+, The community for the “plus” in education
    Greece, Karditsa
  • Institut Européen d’Education et de Politique Sociale
    France, Paris
  • Børn og Unge Aalborg
    Denmark, Noerresundby

Completed KA2 Projects

Community agreements for education-Comm Edu

Project nr. 2021-2-IT02-KA210-SCH-000048370

A few words about the project:

The general objective of Comm-Edu is to promote an innovative approach to school and extracurricular educational offerings on the subject of active and European citizenship, in order to combat educational poverty and early school leaving, based on the creation of educational communities at the local level involving public-private partnerships and the most relevant stakeholders.

The specific objectives will be:

  • Analyze the needs and good practices at the European level on education for active citizenship through the involvement of the educating community (global approach)
  • Promote the development of learning communities at local level, laying the foundations for the creation of a replicable model;
  • Elaborate a template, valid for several European countries, for the establishment of learning communities at the local level;
  • Promote awareness of the project’s themes among local communities and the involvement and participation of students within the educating communities.

The main output of Comm-Edu is the template “Community agreement”, for the development of a “community contract” between public, private, educational and third sector entities through which to establish communities of practice at the base of the model of educational offer dedicated to young people in the area. The template will be developed by the project partners on the basis of a careful analysis in the countries involved of the need for school and extra-school educational activities on issues related to active citizenship and European citizenship. The template will be the basis of the model of educational community that we want to experiment in the European countries involved.

The project also includes a series of process outcomes, fundamental to the achievement of the objectives, including:

Tools to reach and engage the local community;

Creation of educating communities at the local level in the 4 partner countries;

Establishment of dialogue between students, teachers, school leaders; local community representatives, parents and potential stakeholders;

Improvement of the educational offer dedicated to students on the theme of active and European citizenship;

Creation of links between different European realities in the field of school education.

The objectives and results link to the selected priorities as:

The project aims to improve the educational offer dedicated to students in order to combat educational poverty and early school leaving, promoting a holistic approach, based on the creation of communities of practice at the local level involving schools, teachers, students, public, private and third sector entities

Comm-Edu will focus its action on the promotion of educating communities at local level aimed at promoting active citizenship in students, which will be manifested in their direct involvement and participation in local communities and focusing the educational offer promoted by the project on the themes of active and European citizenship.


16 months


  • La cooperativa sociale FARE-Italy (Coordinator)
  • Educom+, The community for the “plus” in education, Greece
  • MUSEV (Mucur Health, Social, Education, and Solidarity Foundation), Turkey
  • Osnovna skola Dobrise Cesarica, Croatia

For more info, click here:

IntegPri: Integration through prior knowledge

Duration: 01.03.22 – 31.08.23
Project No: 2021-2-FI01-KA210-ADU-000049997

Integration through prior knowledge (IntegPri) is an Erasmus+ small-scale project led by Learning for Integration ry, an educational NGO from Finland, and partners “Educom+”, a teachers’ association from Greece, and Geinnova from Spain.

The project focuses on strengthening teachers’ skills with regard to how they can assess their refugee/migrant students’ prior knowledge and then design learning activities which meet their needs and encourage their participation in the learning process.

Handbook for teachers and trainers

The main project result, which will be available on the project website, is The ABC of Recognition of Prior Knowledge (RPL) – A handbook for teachers and trainers.
The Handbook will outline the methodology and pedagogy for RPL and inclusive education, stressing the interrelation between them.

It will also include good practices and study cases of similar practices from other countries that help new ideas and practices develop in continuity.

This handbook will not only be addressed to teachers teaching school-age students but will also address teachers who teach in evening or vocational schools where adults attend. It will also be useful to educators in non-formal educational settings (education centers run by municipalities or NGOs, etc.).

Project Partners

Links and Social Media:


ESSENCE is an initiative aimed at creating upskilling pathways, enhancing accessibility, and increasing the uptake of adult education. This project aligns with two additional priorities: fostering inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth, and sport, and improving the competences of educators and other adult education staff.

ESSENCE aims to bridge geographical and social disparities among European partners by sharing best practices in their respective countries.

The Project’s Primary Goals Are to:

  • Develop cross-cutting green skills, citizenship, and active participation in local community life among diverse adult learner groups with fewer opportunities, including socio-economically disadvantaged elderly, women survivors of violence, and migrants/refugees.
  • Empower educators with methodologies and practical activities tailored to achieve these learning outcomes.
  • Design the ESSENCE Handbook as the main output, encapsulating the educational activities and best practices honed throughout the project.


For more info, check our Facebook page:

For the guide, click here:

Find us on the EPALE platform:

As the UNESCO Document Leading Better Learning: School leadership and quality in the Education 2030 agenda (2016) states, “effective school leadership is essential to improve the efficiency, equity and quality of education, particularly when schools are granted autonomy and principals receive appropriate support to make important decisions (Pont et al., 2008). It also demonstrates that successful school leaders can improve teaching and learning indirectly and most powerfully through their support and influence on staff motivation, commitment and working conditions (Leithwood et al., 2008)” (2016: p. 13). Besides, it should be noted that intercultural leadership and inclusive leadership are top priorities for the E.U.

During the last two years, our schools have suffered a dramatic change as both teachers and pupils have had to adapt on short notice to a new panorama that in many aspects will likely prove to be irrevocable. Beside some positive changes such as the increasing use of new methodologies and technologies, the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has also emphasized the differences existing between our students, as the dependence on new technologies has made schools’ struggle to never leave any pupils behind even harder. The role of head teachers must be an ever-changing one, adjusting to the new teaching and learning scenario, being able to face the new challenges that the pandemic has posed, and ensuring inclusion and equity for all students, as well as the quality of education in their schools.

Under such premises, the Greek teachers association Educom+, the European School Heads Association (ESHA) and the Asociación de Directores y Directoras de Instituto de Andalucía (ADIÁN), designed and applied for a small scale partnership that was approved by the Spanish National Agency. During 2022, the three associations will carry out the Erasmus Plus project 2021-1-ES01-KA210-SCH-000034295 “Towards an Inclusive, Quality Education: Challenges and Opportunities of School Leadership” (or COSL, for short), that will bring together school leaders from different European countries in a shared effort to reflect on our profession and to achieve the aim of promoting equitable, inclusive quality education from the school head position.

Playing with the past, improving with the future

2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH 000027772


  • Inclusion and diversity
  • Development of key competences
  • Supporting teachers, school leaders, and other teaching professions


  • Facilitate students’ inclusion
  • Strengthen their skills through play
  • Provide teachers with playful teaching techniques
  • Develop new educational material


Project website:

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union