Mindful, Inclusive and Culturally Responsive Leadership

Course Outline
A few words about the course: In the current school context, the role of the school leader appears to be more complex and demanding than ever before. School leaders are called to create an inclusive educational environment ensuring that diversity is embraced and fundamental pedagogical principles such as equity, accessibility and personalized learning are adhered to. In order to lead effectively in the contemporary school environment, added traits such as mindfulness, cross-cultural awareness and cultural intelligence are required from leaders so as to deal with cultural challenges and conflicts that may arise due to inappropriate interventions. Recent research findings suggest that leaders who are emotionally intelligent and are aware not only of their feelings but also of others’ emotional state, perform better as leaders. This course aims at exploring the new added traits a contemporary school leader needs to have in order to inspire and establish a leader-follower relationship.
Course modules
The methodology of this course is based on active learning strategies. The instructional approach is also used in order to provide the theoretical framework but all modules include task-based activities and group work promoting collaboration and synergy among trainees. Study cases are also applied as a tool for active participation and critical thinking enhancer.
Evaluation- feedback
Participants fill in a course evaluation form providing thus feedback on what they have been taught.