During the period from 2nd May to 6th May 2022, Educom+ was glad to carry out the ka1 course on: “Open, Online & Digital learning”. A team of eight competent, innovative and hard-working teachers from Școala Gimnazială Șura Mică, Romania, received training on the pedagogical principles of on-line education and emergent remote teaching, were taught how to use digital tools in an inclusive and engaging way for their students and learned how to design their own lessons using technology. We thank the Romanian team and we will be happy to host them again in another training course!

About the Author: Georgia Karagianni

Georgia is an english teacher with further training in educational psychology, inclusive education, counseling and teaching greek as a foreign language. She has participated in many European projects (erasmus+ ka2 & ka3) producing intellectual outputs on intercultural education, inclusive practices, creativity, pedagogical exploitation of digital tools, environmental education etc. She is also local coordinator of the Panhellenic net of theatre in education and for the last three years she has been serving as the Head of the department of Educational Affairs in the Directorate of Secondary Education of Karditsa prefecture. She holds an MA in ‘’New forms of education and learning’’ and an MA in ‘’Language Education in Migrants and Refugees’’ and currently she is a PhD candidate in the field of Open and Distance Learning (Hellenic Open University).